
A unique socio-economic model of inclusive growth, described in the book, under which individuals, as opposed to communities or groups, are taken as units for policy formulation and its implementation. It helps address the unique socio-economic needs of individuals through devising individual plans.



The Nano-observers are trained observers, described in the book, capable of scanning a small assigned area for identifying individuals in need of specific socio-economic assistance. They not only help in policy designing on local level but also ensure each individual gets the benefits of those policies.


Post-Gandhian Movement

It’s a unique mass movement described in the book that integrates the masses into the core of the movement in an innovative way. Like any Gandhian movement, the Post-Gandhian movement is essentially a peaceful and non-violent movement which is plural in dimension and innovative in methods. As opposed to the passive method of a ‘fast’, it happens to be an ‘active’ movement that attempts to draw the multi-talented middle-class into its core. It is not opposed to Gandhian methods but is its fecund extension that attempts to tap the energy of the rich and successful middle-class, which happens to be the most powerful by-product of the late capitalism. The movement, with its unique methods, bridges the urban-rural divide and unifies the nation against the misrule of the political class.


Citizen Credit

‘Citizen credit’, a unique postulate described in the book, can be understood as an abstract reward to citizens where they are assigned certain points or credits with proper weightage for each socially responsible work they perform as a citizen. Acts like working in rural areas, educating the weaker section of society or doing community health service in remote regions and many other similar works would earn the individuals high ‘citizen credits’.


Social Sensitivity Index

‘Social Sensitivity Index’ or SSI is a transparent index which happens to be an individual’s rating on a social Index made on the basis of ‘citizen credits’ earned by him. An individual with high ‘citizen credit’ would be placed higher on Social Sensitivity Index; such an individual would be an asset to the nation. They can be considered for various incentives such as tax breaks, weightage in job promotions, favoured treatment in government departments and a position of eminence in society.

Citizens may be classified on the basis of Sensitivity Index into categories, such as ‘Low SSI Citizens’ (LSC), ‘Medium SSI Citizens’ (MSC), ‘High SSI Citizens’ (HSC) and ‘Ultra-high SSI Citizens’ (USC). Those with ‘Ultra-high SSI Citizen’ tag or the ‘USC’ tag can be considered for privileges like an appropriate place in the Government’s Order of Precedence, higher tax breaks and exemption from standing in queues at airports, hospitals, government departments, etc., in the way the VIPs enjoy. Such people may be considered for giving tickets by political parties for fighting elections.


Social Tourism

The urban middle-classes’ penchant for rural society, described in the book, led to a new kind of tourism, called ‘Social Tourism’. It was a new kind of tourism that made the wealthy urban middle class turn to the villages with acts of benevolence. More than recreating the body and mind, this form of tourism promised a spiritual healing and catharsis of souls.


Gross Talent Product (GTP)

GTP may be defined as the gross total of individual human talents available in a nation, which can be effectively put to use in the economic development of the nation. It can be said that the GTP is not only an essential pre-requisite of economic development of the nation but is also its fuel. If efforts are not made to properly nurture and develop our GTP resource, the GDP would not sustain at higher level and shall begin to decline. Therefore, nurturing rural talent is important for sustainable economic development.