Chapter 1: “The Success Guru”
Introduces the storyline and the main lead characters of the stoty


Chapter 2: “The making of Aditya”
Describes the evolution of the first protagonist in a thoroughly engrossing way.


Chapter 3: “Devanjali: An intellectual powerhouse”
Introduces the lead female protagonist through engaging sequences.


Chapter 4: “Siddhanta Sharan: The unparalleled Soul”
Describes the stories of the third protagonist and the sequences that gives his strong character a unique flavor.


Chapter 5: “The Quest”
Introduces the other players and circumstances of the story in a truly engrossing manner.


Chapter 6: “The power players”
Describes the movers and shakers of the society who shape events in their own way in the story.


Chapter 7: “The confluence of destinies”
Enumerates circumstances in which the three lead protagonists come together to shape the destiny of the nation.


Chapter 8: “The Ara Club”
The most interesting chapter that introduces the readers with the unique strategy that the protagonists had devised to bring about systemic changes in the nation.


Chapter 9: “The Gaining Momentum”
Describes the course of events such as the ‘Long March’ that began the mass movement


Chapter 10: “The turf of politics”
Describes the existing political scene that forms the background of the story and tells about the circumstances the protagonists were pitted against.


Chapter 11: “The citizen Chat”
Describes the unique strategy adopted by the protagonists to connect with the people of India.


Chapter 12: “Ideological hegemony”
Brings about the conflict of ideas and the attempt of the protagonists to defeat the destructive ideas reigning in the society.


Chapter 13: “The Saga of Vikram Thapar”
Describes how the ills of the media houses could be tackled by the female protagonist that paved the way for an ethical media environment in the nation.


Chapter 14: “The post-Gandhian Movement”
Enumerates the unique methodology adopted by the protagonists to unite the nation against ills in the system and leading them to the path of victory.


Chapter 15: “The victory”
The final chapter that describes the sequences that helps the protagonists to defeat the corrupt system and establish the true democracy in the nation which is widely regarded as “Democracy version 2.0”